First impressions count and professionally designed landing pages can instill confidence in your business and your offer. Don’t send potential customers to your homepage where they can get distracted from your offer. A targeted landing page with a clear call to action can increase conversions 300%.
The median landing page conversion rate is around 2.35%.
Companies with 10 to 15 landing pages increase leads by 55%.
Landing pages enhance PPC & Email campaigns
A landing page is a single web page that allows you too target a particular audience, such as traffic from an email or PPC campaign. From there visitors can fill out a form and download your content offer such as an ebook, a whitepaper, coupons and more. For example, IBM sent an email out with a link to this landing page offering a free book.
How do Landing Pages Work?
Let’s use an example: You run a catering business. On your website you have a blog that has an article “The Ultimate Clambake ”. At the bottom of the article is a CTA (call to action ) for a free book, “Backyard Party Planning Made Simple”. A potential customer will click on this CTA and will be taken to a landing page which describes the free book offer and a form which they will need to submit to get the free book. Now you have a verified lead and customer data to use in future remarketing campaigns.
The Process
For your landing page design to be successful, it needs to have a clear purpose. When visitors “land” on your landing page, they should immediately know why the page exists. At Sol Digital our process involves identifying the audience, designing the page with a well crafted message and user testing.