Digital marketing allows you to engage with your prospects to better understand their needs. When you build a relationship with your customers you become a trusted partner that people are more likely to buy from again and again.
To be competitive in the digital marketplace, you need to create a marketing plan with measurable goals in mind, whether it be to build brand awareness, generate leads or nurture prospects towards making a purchase.

One way to visualize our multi-channel approach is through a marketing funnel which is a model of your marketing process from your company’s point of view.
Leads start at the top of the funnel. As they learn more about your business and get closer to making a purchase, they move down toward the bottom of the funnel. Tracking the position of leads in your funnel helps you know how to keep their interest, answer their questions, and address their concerns, all of which can be instrumental in making that sale.
1) PLAN - Define your goals and strategy
2) REACH - This is the awareness stage
Be worth finding with content that is relevant, inspirational, useful and problem solving.
Tactics: Display ads, email, blog, SEO, social media, video ads, UX/UI
3) ACT - Evaluation and Decision Making stage
Website visitors consume content and learn more about your company, its products and services.
Tactics: Blog, email, remarketing, search / display / social ads, social media, UX/UI
4) CONVERT = Sale
Tactics: Email, remarketing, search ads, landing pages, UX/UI
5) ENGAGE - Turn leads into advocates
If customers have a great experience, they often return. People buy from who they know, like and trust.
Tactics: Blog, newsletter email, remarketing, social media, UX/UI